PDC Annual General Meeting
Friday, May 22nd, 2015
Please join the PDC for its Annual General Meeting on Monday June 8th at 6:30 PM! This year the AGM will happen at the new Halifax Central Library in room 201.
Come hear about the last year of Planning & Design Centre actions as well as get a sneak peak of upcoming PDC activities. This event is open to the public refreshments will be served.
Jacob Ritchie, Urban Design Manager for HRM will give a presentation on the Centre Plan.
Planning & Design Centre Annual General Meeting
Time: 6:30 June 8th
Location: Halifax Central Library - Room 201
The Planning & Design Centre is a collaborative, non-profit operation committed to making planning and design more accessible, inclusive, and ongoing. It exists to connect planning to people and people to planning. The Centre is based on the proposition that people should know what is happening in their community and have a hand in shaping their own future.Its purpose is to empower citizens, inform policy and through demonstration projects, allow us to imagine new possibilities within our collective reach.