Switch: Open Street Sundays
Wednesday, August 29th, 2012
Learn more about Switch:
Facebook: facebook.com/Switchhfx Twitter: twitter.com/switchhfx Website: switchhfx.ca Email: [email protected]
NEW! Download the Switch poster [PDF, 4.1MB] Consider printing a copy and posting it in your window!
Activities & Entertainment along the Switch Route
Highlights include:
NEW! The North End Business Association (NEBA) has confirmed 3 new activities for Sunday:
- Cornwallis Street Baptist Church will hold an open-air service on the Chapman Autobody parking lot at the corner of Agricola St. and Charles St., 12:00 noon to 1:00 pm.
- Youth from the In My Own Voice (iMove) program will perform before and after the service (also at the corner of Agricola and Charles).
- A craft sale on the Fancy Lebanese Bakery parking lot (corner of Agricola and North St.). Start time: 9:30 am (tbc)
North End Community Health Centre BBQ from 11 am - 2 pm at ISL (West & Agricola), in partnership with Hope Blooms and ISL. All proceeds from the BBQ will support the North End Community Health Centre! A local DJ will also be spinning some Switch-friendly tunes!
Beginning at 11:00am, FRED cafe & salon (Agricola and North St.) will host a street “living room” and BBQ, and will provide complimentary bike-helmet hair makeovers!
Digital Scavenger Hunt - starts between 9:00 and 9:45 am at North and Agricola. Don’t forget your digital camera!
Along Agricola Street:
Look out for local businesses, including Local Source Market, Obsolete Records, FRED, Ace Burger, Mid East Foods, Cafe Aroma Latino, Lost and Found, Vagabond Vintage, Smith’s Bakery, and more!
Victoria Park Activity Node - scheduled line-up:
9:00 - 9:30am - Spin! Stationary Cycling with Cyclone
9:30 - 10:00am - Spin! Stationary Cycling with Cyclone
10:00 - 10:30am - Spin! Stationary Cycling with Cyclone
10:30 - 11:30am - Yoga in the Park
11:30am - 12:00pm - Naturopathic Nutrition Digestion Demo
12:00 - 12:30 - Free For All Fitness by Maritime Heart Centre
12:30pm – 1:00pm - Halifax Circus Performance
1:00 – 1:30pm - Halifax Circus Workshop
9am – 2pm - Mountain Equipment Co-Op Bike Maintenance
Other Activities at Victoria Park (non-scheduled):
Clean Nova Scotia – Bike & Stroller Valet
Veith Street Gallery / Creative Spirit East – Crafting
Heart & Stroke Foundation of Nova Scotia – Walkabout
Jitterbug Sodas
Awesome Foundation – Clothesline of Awesome
Community Health Board – Side Walk Chalkin’ & Hula Hoopin
Dalhousie Student Union will have an interactive booth on site
Community Partners at Victoria Park:
Halifax Regional Municipality - SmartTrip & Active Transportation Plan Review
Laing House - Youth Speak
Our HRM Alliance
Ecology Action Centre – Transportation Issues Committee
Mood Disorders Association of Nova Scotia
Canadian Diabetes Association
YMCA day-long on-street activities (South Park Street), including: Zoomba, Music & Bootcamp
North Common Activity Node (North Park and Cornwallis St.):
North End Meditation Centre and Art of Living - group meditations at 9am and throughout the day
YMCA Halifax - Yoga Class at 9:30am
Tai Chi Society - demonstration from 11am - 12pm
Capoeira Group in Halifax - will perform at around 12pm
Samba Nova - performing from 12:30pm - 2pm
Day-long activities:
I Heart Bikes (Bike rental specials, booth)
Halifax Cycling Coalition (Bike Valet)
Dee Dee’s Ice Cream will be serving some treats and refreshments
Halifax Sport and Social Club - dodge ball, hockey
Volunteers Needed!
To register as a Switch volunteer for September 9th, please follow this link: www.tinyurl.com/switch-volunteerOpportunities to Get Involved
The Switch team is inviting community groups, organizations, vendors and businesses to host activities at one of the three activity nodes. This is a great opportunity to showcase your business or organization! If you are interested in hosting an activity at one of the nodes or want to activate part of the route (e.g., art, kid’s activities, food, etc.) please send us an email or call 494.8494. If you are interested in hosting something at the Victoria Park activity node please email: [email protected]
To learn more about how to get involved, download the Switch brochure [PDF, 2.4MB].
The Switch Working Group is currently meeting every Thursday evening from 6:30 PM to 8:00 PM. Please check our Facebook page for location. Everyone is welcome!
Switch is not about street closures - it is about opening streets to a greater variety of transportation modes and the route will remain permeable to vehicles. Switch is inspired by Ciclovia, which translates to “bike way” or “bike path”; millions of people in cities around the world now participate every Sunday and holiday on thousands of kilometres of city streets. The long-term effects of Ciclovia are safer cities where people can travel with ease, and a new vision of public space. Switch could be a transformative, ongoing event without infrastructure costs; Switch makes use of the existing network of streets and bicycle routes.
Switch reduces vehicle use, which means less traffic congestion, less wear on existing infrastructure, and improved air quality. All of these things improve the quality of life for all Haligonians. Switch also creates new economic opportunities for existing businesses and temporary vendors by regularly increasing pedestrian traffic and enabling new sales in new places. Neighborhoods and communities benefit from the attention and inclusion in the Switch network.